Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My life lately(:

Hey guys sorry it's been so long I have been really busy!
Well eighth grade is over now time to become a freshman!
Next year I am going to be an SBO!(:
I am so excited to be working with all my best friends for the whole year!
Well this year was really fun. A lot of things have happened!
I'm still same old me. I dont think I have really changed all that much.

This summer is going to be great I know it!
Girls camp was a blast! And i'm leaving for youth conference tomorrow!
When i get back the next week after im going to lava hotsprings with my family plus sidnee!
Then after that is the week of my birthday(: Hoping to get that new ipod seeing as mine got a bath in gatorade how nice huh? Then sadly the week after my birthday im getting my tonils out! ah! After that im going to start getting busy doing SBO duties and other school related things! It should be a lot of fun! then before you know it school starts on August 23rd! Crazy! But im super excited! I'm really sad though cause my bestfriend is going to high school! :( I will miss him a lot! This summer I have had the chance to go to the Justin Bieber concert with my best friend! it was so much fun! I loved it and him!

This year is going to be quite the experience, i am kinda scared though. but hey arent we all at some point? Its going to be different with Garcia in charge of all student government. The new sbo's are great! im so excited to be working with them. I'm really glad that one of my best friends is SBO with me. I couldnt do it without Tammy(:

I have made so many great friends this year and im hoping to make more next! Bennion is going to be a lot different without the ninth graders from this year. Some of my bestfriends are leaving me to go to high school! but only just one more year and ill be in high school! kinda scary! i cant imagine myself going to high school in one year. Seems unreal!

Well that pretty much sums up a little bit of this year and some of my life(: Now im off to try and remember how to work all the stuff on here!(: